"Georgetowning": An Example
A Yahoo! opinion piece by a Georgia Anne Geyer. The second paragraph gives it away . . .
"I've spent 10 days here looking intensively into the "new Egypt" after last fall's upheaval elections, and it seems to me..."
Loving the Koshary since August 2005
A Yahoo! opinion piece by a Georgia Anne Geyer. The second paragraph gives it away . . .
"I've spent 10 days here looking intensively into the "new Egypt" after last fall's upheaval elections, and it seems to me..."
It finally strikes. A combination of Cairo cold, me getting soaked in a rainshower (I know, I know), and campus-illness that everyone's getting. Prescription: Green tea with honey, sleep, maybe some fuul with baladi. And drugs.
Thanks S for sharing A's incarnate wisdom and her synopsis of the civil rights movement:
Alaina: I know what the flag stands for!
Mommy: What?
Alaina: Freedom! I learned about it at school today. Freedom means
Mommy: Sure does.
Alaina: Well, a long time ago there were only people with black skin
and faces, and they were called slaves.
Mommy: Oh?
Alaina: Yeah, and they had to do all the work. Like you'd say 'Go
get this thing.' And they'd have to go get it.
Mommy: Yep.
Alaina: But then this man came to America. I can't remember his
name... You know, the first white man? And he was, like, the ruler
of the whole country. What's that called again?
Mommy: President.
Alaina: Yeah. And he believed in freedom for everyone.
Mommy: Abraham Lincoln?
Alaina: YEAH! But he wasn't the first president. That George guy
was. But then it was later, and the black people still didn't have
choices. Like, they wanted to go to McDonald's, and the government
said 'No! You can't go to McDonald's!'
Mommy: Hmm.
Alaina: But this other man, Muffin Luther...There's more parts to his
name, but I can't remember them.
Mommy: King Junior?
Alaina: YEAH! Muffin Luther King Junior. And he believed everyone should have equality. Equal means the same. And he was white like us.
Mommy: Really? I'm pretty sure he was black.
Alaina: NO!!! Miss Myra said he had a white face and skin, just like
Mommy: Hmmm.
Alaina: And then the black people were normal and had choices. And
now they're just like us! Like, last year there were some people
with other colored skin, and they were, like, my friends.
I really don't care, but I noticed this string of Freudian slips in a NYT piece about the dangers of the 'bumping' racing move:
"It's the crack phenomenon with Nascar racing," the driver Kyle Petty said. "Our meth habit right now is bump drafting. Everybody thinks you got to have it, everybody thinks you got to do it. Some people are more addicted to it than others. And Nascar obviously is stepping in and saying, 'We're having an A.A. meeting now.' "
The Argus Leader's Robert Morast sums up, on his blog, why we both don't like it (or just don't understand it):
"You know, I'm not a cultured jazz head. I'll probably never be a cultured head. This is mostly because I don't understand the audio allure of frenetic bursts of unsyncopated rhythms and notes that quickly die down to work back into the primary melody. It seems ostentatious and unecessary . . . "Amen, brother. Now blues, on the other hand . . .
It’s called “Georgetowning” it: When one has a “real” cultural experience, and converts it (probably in a blog like this one) into a tome on the deeper truth, an in-depth look into the real world exposed by you being in-country and on the scene. . . Even though you probably don’t really have any idea what just happened AND you probably got ripped off.
I’m guilty of it too. I do it all the time – cheaply trying to plumb the depths of my experiences here for something to learn, to grasp, something to take back home. “This is one of the once-in-a-lifetime experiences,” people say. True. But sometimes I think I’m blind from looking so much. And yet, I persist.
You gotta love it. UberProtesters at the Winter Olympics in Turin take some time from their busy protesting for something really worthwhile.
"We will always stand close to the people who defend their countries and struggle against neo-colonialism," said Chiara, a red-haired orator. "But first let's watch the torch." The protesters pulled out cell phones and began to snap digital photos.A la Michael Moore - George W.'s "Now watch this drive" comparison, anyone?
Unemployed? Need a job? Kidnap a foreigner!
"Gaza militants have kidnapped about 20 foreigners in recent months, using their hostages to try to get jobs from the Palestinian Authority or to force it to release their jailed comrades."And, the CNN piece says, they often get what they want. I guess that's one way.
The Danish Cartoon Controversy rages on, with no end in sight. Embassies are burning across the Middle East, while Western newspapers scream "freedom of the press!" The Arab world is alternately angry at the West and itself. But a piece in Saudi Arabia's Al-Jazirah newspaper (quoted in a Slate article) glints a critical eye at how this all tends to go down:
"Muslims are the strongest people in the world when it comes to individual reactions and the weakest when it comes to institutionalized operations. Events have taught us that every reaction to such attacks on Islam (wherever they may take place) ends with institutionalized responses aimed at sapping the popular, local anger, but not at treating the issue in the place where it broke out."
From the funeral of Coretta Scott King:
"We know now there were no weapons of mass destruction over there. But Coretta knew, and we knew, that there are weapons of misdirection right down here. Millions without health insurance. Poverty abounds. For war, billions more, but no more for the poor."
It was a rough time last semester, with Arabic kicking my butt. But apparently when I said Failure was new to me, during a dark time, I forgot to say I meant academic failure (even though I thought that'd be clear) - and forget to mention every personal failure I've had which has let someone down. Lord knows I've had a few. Hence the anonymous comment posted below this morning.
"Failure NEW to you???? Hmmmmm. You disapointed/failed me majorly....but then again, you didn't know me very well either, did you?????"
Mr. Fugelberg - I don't think it's bitterness that someone feels against you. Surely, you put your personal life out there online in this blog, or personal diary, for the entire world to read and certainly must not realize that you open yourself up to criticism. (What are blogs for? Agreeing with everything and everyone out there?)
Even though you travel afar on distant soil foreign from your own, you need to learn that not every one will like you/agree with you, or what you have to say. It's called LIVING IN REALITY. Just because you don't have the same opinions that say, your neighbor has/or doesn't have, it doesn't make you right/wrong, and it doesn't make your neighbor right/wrong, it just makes two different opinions in the world.
P.S. Maybe the person who wrote the anonymous blog you are referring to you did actually learn a lesson from you as well and they just have a different way of showing it. Question is, how bitter are you? Hence, why would you respond in the way you did? I detect a sense of bitterness in your response as well.