Loving the Koshary since August 2005

16 February 2006

Out of the Mouths of Babes..

Thanks S for sharing A's incarnate wisdom and her synopsis of the civil rights movement:
Alaina: I know what the flag stands for!
Mommy: What?
Alaina: Freedom! I learned about it at school today. Freedom means
Mommy: Sure does.
Alaina: Well, a long time ago there were only people with black skin
and faces, and they were called slaves.
Mommy: Oh?
Alaina: Yeah, and they had to do all the work. Like you'd say 'Go
get this thing.' And they'd have to go get it.
Mommy: Yep.
Alaina: But then this man came to America. I can't remember his
name... You know, the first white man? And he was, like, the ruler
of the whole country. What's that called again?
Mommy: President.
Alaina: Yeah. And he believed in freedom for everyone.
Mommy: Abraham Lincoln?
Alaina: YEAH! But he wasn't the first president. That George guy
was. But then it was later, and the black people still didn't have
choices. Like, they wanted to go to McDonald's, and the government
said 'No! You can't go to McDonald's!'
Mommy: Hmm.
Alaina: But this other man, Muffin Luther...There's more parts to his
name, but I can't remember them.
Mommy: King Junior?
Alaina: YEAH! Muffin Luther King Junior. And he believed everyone should have equality. Equal means the same. And he was white like us.
Mommy: Really? I'm pretty sure he was black.
Alaina: NO!!! Miss Myra said he had a white face and skin, just like
Mommy: Hmmm.
Alaina: And then the black people were normal and had choices. And
now they're just like us! Like, last year there were some people
with other colored skin, and they were, like, my friends.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

ahhhhh! I love it! Go alaina! :-D

2:31 AM, February 17, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

ALAINA FOR PRESIDENT!!! She's got my vote!

5:05 AM, February 18, 2006


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