Loving the Koshary since August 2005

01 March 2006


Familiar things are slipping away. No, that’s not right - old familiar things are slipping away, things I brought with me from the US.

It’s been slow, almost predicable, even. I used up my black spiral-bound notebook, lost my black windbreaker and stained my green t-shirt. I ripped a shirt sleeve on a sharp rock in the Western Desert. I even lost weight, and now no longer fit into half of the pants I brought here.

Back in South Dakota, in late August last year, I packed with intent. I checked what I should bring, budgeted what I wanted to pack, reviewed climate reports, and decided if x shirt would match y pants. I didn’t do all this because studying in Egypt was a grand safari – I did it because I didn’t have a lot of money and didn’t want to carry a lot on the plane.

It worked out. I’ve haven’t had to buy anything clothes-wise since I’ve been here, although I’ve wished for something a bit warmer on some chilly winter nights.

But the process of loss is speeding up. Half of my clothes are wearing out: stitches unraveling, jeans wearing holes, soles separating from shoes. My adaptor for my laptop broke. No explanation, no puffs of smoke. Just . . . gone.

I lost my favorite, world-traveling jacket yesterday. No big story – I just left it somewhere, and now it’s gone.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

*sigh* poor jer. can i use the conversation of alaina and sarah on my weblog? pretty please? love ya! cassie

9:12 PM, March 02, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Boy, you're going to end up coming back on the plane just wearing a fig leaf. I'd like to see that.

2:50 PM, March 04, 2006

Blogger Michelle said...

And that's only the half of it really. The other half you can't measure.

8:20 PM, March 06, 2006


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