Loving the Koshary since August 2005

11 January 2006

Egypt #1 for Adventure! (AKA "Driving")

Egypt is the top destination for adventure travellers according to a recent poll. In some places, adventure means scuba diving or rock climbing. Maybe safaris or ancient ruins.

In Egypt, it means riding a bus.

Six Aussies recently died here when their tour bus driver "lost control." And according to statistics, it happens a lot. Egypt travel, while cheap, is often deadly.

Not for me though, right?

I read somewhere that having a child makes you realize your own mortality. For me, I knew I was mortal when I stared down a Red Lodge ski slope and suddenly realized I wanted to live. In times past, I'd look the Devil in the eye and cannonball down without a moment's pause. It was after Alaina was born, so maybe that was it. Maybe I just got older.

Either way, I might not sleep quite so easily (?) during my next trip on a Upper Egypt Bus. Co. cruiser. I want to live.


Blogger JPierre said...

I agree with you Jeremy. Buses in Egypt are dangerous, but again you are exaggerating a little bit too much here. You have to keep in mind that accidents do happen, and waht happened is nothing more than an accident.
I am very sorry for the people you passed away, lost a relative or loved one and got injured in the last tragic accident, but such things happen everywhere in the world.
If you want to consider driving an adventure in Egypt, then it should be driving as in driving your own car.
Travelling is still safe in Egypt. Good luck with your travels to upper Egypt.

9:47 PM, January 12, 2006


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