Loving the Koshary since August 2005

22 September 2005

To do or do not. Maybe I'll just try

The school sponsors trips to different places. That's good.
They are usually interesting places, at a good price. That's good.

But it's frustrating to be a sheep in the herd. It's nice to not have to worry about all the structural things - where to sleep, where to eat. But if I have be nervously checked off another list by one more tired, frustrated ISSO staffer...

So, the bottom line is that I'm considering a independent trip to Alexandria this weekend. Not sure how many are going yet. The school is sponsoring a simultaneous trip, and some have defected to that. There may yet be a few adventurous souls...


Blogger Mohamed said...

Take the train if you get adventurous.

5:25 PM, September 22, 2005


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